Collection: Color Your Life And Your Room With Rainbow Yarn Kit!!
Get all wrapped up in your creativity with this colorful and crafty macrame kit!
- 7 colors of yarn (one cardboard spool of 33 ft per color: light pink, rose pink, mustard, amethyst, white, aqua, pale blue)
- 10 pom pom balls
- 7 large cotton ropes (65 cm in length)
- 8 small cotton ropes (18 cm in length)
- 2 keychain clasps
- What you’ll need from home: scissors, ruler, glue gun
STEP 1: identify the color order
With all of the supplies laid out in front of you, identify the color order that you’d like for your rainbow. We chose light pink, rose pink, mustard, amethyst, white, aqua, and pale blue, but you can choose any color order that speaks to you.
STEP 2: outermost part of the rainbow
Begin working with one of the cotton ropes and the color of yarn that you chose for the outermost part of the rainbow. Set the rest of the colors aside. Unwrap a few feet of yarn to create some slack from the cardboard. We placed the cardboard spool on the floor to let it naturally unwind as we wrapped, but you can place it on your lap, on the table, or wherever is best for you.
STEP 3: tie a loose knot
Use the yarn to tie a loose knot around the rope 3” from one of the ends. Be sure to tighten it so it won’t slide up or down. You will have a short tail of yarn that you can hide by pulling away from the exposed end of your rope and wrapping right over it.
STEP 4: Time to start wrapping!
Time to start wrapping! Hold the short end of the rope in your non-dominant hand and begin wrapping the yarn around the rope using even pressure. Your yarn coils should be tight enough so the yarn won’t slide but loose enough that it won’t squeeze the rope. Wrap the coils closely to eliminate gaps, the rope shouldn’t show through the wrapped yarn. Continue wrapping the rope with the yarn until there are 3” of exposed rope left.
TIP: Instead of turning the yarn around the rope, hold your yarn hand still while turning the rope. The yarn will slide easily through your fingers while the yarn wraps around the rope.
STEP 5: 3” of exposed rope
You will need to tie a knot in the yarn to secure the wrapping to the rope. Before making the knot, measure to ensure that you have 3” of exposed rope left; this should match the other end of the rope. If you have less than 3”, unravel a few coils. Once you have 3” of exposed rope, tie a knot. Cut the leftover yarn from the knot. We recommend keeping a longer yarn tail so you can tighten the knot later if needed. Once the project is complete, you will glue the knots in place and trim the yarn.
KEYCHAIN TIP: Leave just 1” of exposed rope on both ends. Add your clasp at the halfway point of the first rope by sliding it on and securing with yarn - threading 2-3 times.
STEP 6: stop periodically to line up the two ropes
Take another long rope and the next color yarn that you want to use. Unwrap a few feet of yarn then repeat steps 3 through 6. After tying the steps 3 through 6. After tying the first knot, line up your current rope with the first rope to check that their starting points match. As you wrap the current rope, stop periodically to line up the two ropes in the shape of the rainbow. When your current yarn endpoint matches the same endpoint of the first rope, tie your knot. Keep 3” remaining when you have to tie your knot. That is OK, we will cut the tassels to make them the same length once the project is complete. Continue wrapping the remaining 5 ropes, following the steps above.
STEP 7: Cut about 5”
Choose the yarn color that you want to use as your hanger. Cut about 5” of yarn.
STEP 8: Shaping and gluing
Shaping and gluing. Take your wrapped ropes and line them up in the shape of a rainbow. Check the endpoints and make sure that you’re happy with the appearance. Once glued, you won’t be able to adjust anything. You are going to start gluing from the outside of the rainbow and move inward. Gluing the rainbow holds its shape. Take the first two outer opes along with the 5” of yarn you cut and move the rest of the wrapped ropes aside. Using your hot glue gun, add a single line of glue to the inside edge of the longest rope, starting at the end of the wrapped yarn. Take your second-longest rope and line up the yarn starting points as you press the ropes together. Continue on the inner edge of the longest rope with a single line of glue and then press the second-ongest rope against it. At the half-way point (the top of the rainbow), take your 5” of yarn for the hanger and fold it in half, holding the two ends together to create a loop. Attach the ends of the loop to the inside edge of the longest rope with glue. Continue gluing the two longest ropes together. The hanger will be glued between the two ropes. After the outer two ropes are glued together, repeat the gluing process with each rope. Make sure to match the yarn starting points of each wrapped rope before applying glue.
STEP 9: Glue the knots.
Glue the knots. To secure your starting and ending points, add a dot of glue. After you have glued, feel free to cut off the extra yarn tail from the knot.
STEP 10: Trim the rope tassels and separate the rope strings
Trim the rope tassels and separate the rope strings. Take a look at the extra rope on the bottom of your rainbow. Use your scissors to trim the rope to be Use your scissors to trim the rope to be even. Once it is even, use your fingers to separate the individual rope strings.
STEP 11: attach the pom pom balls
Use your hot glue gun to attach the pom pom balls in a row on the front of your rainbow where the yarn meets the tassels OR evenly spaced along the top edge of the outermost arc.
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